Nyashadzashe Katsidzira

Hi my name is Nyashadzashe Katsidzira
I'm a
based in Zimbabwe

with a particular interest in software engineering, web development, graphic design, or IT support. Possessing strong technical skills in front-end and back-end development, web UX design, graphic design, photography, videography, containerization, and IT networking.
Tech Stack


Our Services

Web Development

If you are looking for a reliable and experienced web developer to create or improve your online presence, you have come to the right place. I offer a range of web development services, from designing and building responsive websites, to optimizing and maintaining them. Whether you need a simple landing page, a complex e-commerce platform, or anything in between, I can help you achieve your goals. I use the latest technologies and best practices to ensure that your website is fast, secure, and user-friendly. I also provide ongoing support and updates to keep your website running smoothly. Contact me today to discuss your project and get a free quote.

Graphic Design

Create visually stunning pieces that correctly represent your brand, your vision and fits in with your brand image. Stunning graphics and logos that will make your products or services a public favorite and a household name. Graphic design is a facet that creates an association of visuals that are thought provoking and capture the hearts of the viewers with visuals and design that speak directly to them and present your brands messages in the best way possible. Contact me for all your enterprise or personal graphic design needs from logo design through to art-boards and poster to better market your brand and products on offer.


"Capture the moments, cherish the memories: experiences the artistry of a freelance photographer"
in a world filled with fleeting moments, there is an undeniable beauty in freezing time through the lens of a skilled photographer. As a freelance photographer, I am dedicated to capturing the essence of your cherished moments and transforming them into lifelong memories. with a keen eye for detail and an artistic mind allow me to retell the special moments in a unique way that captures not just the people in the image but the atmosphere and the uniqueness of every single one of your special moments. feel free to get in touch and experience the world through my lens

Latest Projects

image of solarpro website

Solarpro Zimbabwe Website

Solarpro Zimbabwe is a solar installation company based in Zimbabwe, I developed the site as an update to their currently existing site the site was developed to provide a responsive site that provides a consistent experience for users on both mobile and desktop, the aim was also to highlight the company's different purchase options namely rent to buy or outright purchases.

The site was developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

image of EMC website

Executive Moving Company Website

Executive Moving Company is a moving company based in the United States, The site is an example site that I made for a proposal to the company it is not a fully operational site rather a showcase of my development skills as well as design skills

The site was developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

image of Forbendag website

Forbendag Website

Forbendag is a BPO services company based in the United States of America, The site was developed to advertise the company and their various services as well as to give a platform of registration for prospective clients and employees alike.

The site was developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the backend was done using the python Django framework.

image of LlonMG website

LonMG Website

LonMG is a head-hunting firm based in the United Arab Emirates, the site has a Wordpress frontend with the backend based in python.

Get in Touch!

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